Tuesday 10 October 2017

Comic Con

but Hello Lovelies,

This is a different post to what I am used too doing it's not a make up related post .
I went to Comic Con a few weeks ago with my niece I thought I would do a blog post about the days events .

 It was the first time I had been to Comic Con I wanted to go to Comic Con last year but never went for one reason and another. There was some talks by the likes of the power rangers and Nicholas Brendan who played Xander in Buffy the Vampire Slayer which still to this day is still one of my favourite shows to this date . I have just started watching it again.

There was a lot of merchandise stands that sold everything from all the different TV shows I bought a really nice framed photo of Harley Quinn  from the suicide squad but there was all sorts of things you could buy t-shirts, baseball caps among other things....

 This was the power ranger talk that me and my niece attended we only went to this one saw we could go to the talk on Nicholas Brendan and get some really good seats. When I say good seats I mean on the front row so I could take some reasonably good photos.

 I really enjoyed going to see Nicholas Brendan he was my favourite on Buffy the vampire slayer and he is just as funny in real life as well.

                                 Nicholas talked about his favourite episodes to film

Nicholas Brendan has said that he will be returning next year for comic con and if that is the case I will definitely attend again but this time I will dress up .

           Everyone looked amazing all dressed up so I definitely want to do that next year

I know it's only a short post I wanted to write about this I really had a great time and would definitely go to another comic con .